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To guarantee a fun and safe environment, Give Soul has established house rules. Failure to comply may result in removal without refund. Thank you for helping to maintain a secure venue.


  • At our events all daily social norms and values apply.

  • The instructions of the staff or therefore qualified persons, which are connected to the house rules, must be followed at all times at the event and in the immediate surroundings.

  • Dutch law is in force at our events.

  • All visitors must identify themselves if explicitly requested.

  • To protect your own and others' safety, there is a visitation requirement (including for bags). If you do not cooperate, you will be denied access.

  • Persons dressed in tracksuits, soccer shirts and/or clothing belonging to (a) certain group(s) will be refused entry. Also not allowed are caps, balaclavas or other face coverings. As well as flashy gold or silver necklaces, fanny packs and shoulder bags, sweaters and/or sweatshirts of cartoon characters and flashy glasses.

  • It is not allowed to bring in food, coolers, lunch boxes, pressure holders, liquid substances, writing materials, perfumes, stickers, tape and other such items. These will be taken and discarded.

  • It is not allowed to take any chewing gum, lollipops or similar products inside.

  • It is not allowed to bring drinks inside. To prevent littering outside, it is also not allowed to go outside with drinks or food.

  • It is not allowed to bring in unhandy items like suitcases, backpacks and other bags that exceed the size of an A4 format and are thicker than 10 cm (including wheels, handels and front/back pockets).

  • Pets are not allowed (for their own good).

  • Smoking inside is not allowed anywhere (tents or half-open tents included). Smoking is only permitted outside.

  • A laid-back attitude and appropriate behavior is a basic requirement. In case of aggression or attitude, access will be refused. The threat and use of violence, making discriminatory remarks in word and/or gesture, sexual harassment, urinating in public, throwing beer and throwing mud will not be tolerated.

  • Outside of the event location visitors are asked to take the well being of the surrounding residents into account by parking vehicles in the designated areas, not urinating in public, respecting the belongings and sleep of residents and not to leave litter in and around the site.

  • It is not permitted to block paths, (emergency) exits, stairs or fire extinguishers.

  • The distribution of promotional printed matter and / or trade in goods at the event and in the immediate vicinity is prohibited, unless written permission had been granted by the organization.

  • In the event of non-compliance with our house rules, you will be irrevocably denied access to the event and you will be notified of a local ban of one or more years.

  • For nighttime events, doors close at 02.00. For day events, check the specific information of the respective event.

  • All our events are 18+.

Illegal items & Drugs

  • Persons who want to enter the event under demonstrably influence of alcohol, drugs and / or other substances can be denied access, the person who is demonstrably under the influence can not claim any reimbursement of tickets and / or travel costs.

  • Drugs and other substances are prohibited at our events.

  • Upon detection of possessing a maximum of 5 grams of soft drugs, you have the option to cede them. If you refuse to hand over these soft drugs or if you have more than 5 grams in your possession, you will be transferred to the police.

  • Upon detection of the use, possession and / or dealing in soft / hard drugs or other substances, you will be held and transferred to the police.

  • It is forbidden to possess weapons and other objects that can be used as weapons. Upon detection, you will be transferred to the police. When committing crimes you will be arrested and handed over to the police.

  • When committing crimes you will be arrested and handed over to the police.

Recording Devices & Privacy

  • Film, video and (professional photographic) equipment are not allowed.

  • During the event, photos & video recording will be made for promotional purposes. Everyone who visits our event agrees with this.

  • The venue may employ (24-hour) camera surveillance and, especially in the event of disturbances or accidents, will make images/recordings available to third parties, including law enforcement.


  • The organization and / or its employees can not be held liable for any injury and / or material or immaterial damage.

  • The stay at the event site is therefore entirely at your own risk.

  • Over 85 Db (a) of sound can be produced at the event, the organization does not accept any liability for adverse consequences that may possibly occur to your hearing.


  • If it is necessary to bring your medication to an event, you need to bring an official declaration of a doctor. In case of doubt, the security will check your medication and declaration. You can be asked to leave your medication at the first aid post.


  • If you buy a lot of tickets at once, have a trading history or it’s in another way obvious that you are not buying tickets for yourself or your friends, the organization will refund your order.

  • If an event cannot take place due to covid, all tickets will automatically be refunded excluding service costs.

House rules are subject to changes.